Hubspot cms
Hubspot cms

I personally believe in using the best tools for the job, and I want my team to be adaptable. Combined with the email and social tools, HubSpot starts to become your one true publishing tool, simplifying your marketing stack and making it easier to train new people.įor must of us, however, the dream of an all-in-one is just that: a dream. You can login to HubSpot and edit your homepage, publish a new blog post, or A/B test a landing page. This can be attractive to small marketing teams with limited budget or experience. One of the first benefits of the CMS, especially if you go all-in, is that it unifies your publishing tools. Let’s start with what I like about the CMS, in no particular order. You can mix and match! For example, you can choose to keep your blog on WordPress and move your main site and landing pages to the CMS and it’ll be virtually seamless for your visitors. The CMS is broken into distinct components: One of the best things about the CMS is that it’s not all or nothing. Think of it as WordPress or Squarespace with a landing page tool like Leadpages built-in and tightly integrated with your marketing automation tools. HubSpot’s CMS is their built-in content management system. You’ll find dozens of articles about the CMS written by agencies that really want you to pick the CMS so they can sell you custom design and development services. Or, if you prefer, skip right to my preferred stack.īefore we start, please know that while I love HubSpot, I’m not a shill. Hopefully, by reading this with your business in mind, you’ll figure out whether the CMS is a good fit for you. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, but I thought it would be helpful to walk you through my pros and cons. When you get started with HubSpot, one of the first big decisions to make is whether or not to host your website on the CMS. The Pros and Cons of Using the HubSpot CMS I'm Rob: a developer + designer turned marketing executive.

Hubspot cms